Anushka Manchanda is reportedly going to marry a Delhi hotelier named Gaurav Arya next year. Apparently, the VJ-singer heads to the capital every chance she gets, but is keeping her relationship a secret.
However, a close friend of the singer reveals, "Anushka and Gaurav have many things in common. Both share a love for motorcycles and music. Both are from Delhi so they have a huge circle of common friends; they can hang out together in a big group and nobody suspects that they're having a scene. They're serious about each other and a formal announcement will be made soon."
When contacted, Anushka said, "Gaurav is one of my closest friends. We met very recently so there's nothing really to talk about, except that we have a blast when we hang out." Terry Manchanda, Anushka's mother, told TOI, "My daughter and I are very close, and she's always shared everything with me. Gaurav Arya and Anushka have no plans of getting married. They're just best friends. Anushka met him three months ago in Goa during a show. Since then, they've been meeting on and off." Apparently, Gaurav's developing a hotel in Goa and that's how he keeps meeting Anushka there.
Adds Terry, "Also, Anushka has told me that she has no plans to get married for another two years." Anushka's been in the US and returned last night.
However, a close friend of the singer reveals, "Anushka and Gaurav have many things in common. Both share a love for motorcycles and music. Both are from Delhi so they have a huge circle of common friends; they can hang out together in a big group and nobody suspects that they're having a scene. They're serious about each other and a formal announcement will be made soon."
When contacted, Anushka said, "Gaurav is one of my closest friends. We met very recently so there's nothing really to talk about, except that we have a blast when we hang out." Terry Manchanda, Anushka's mother, told TOI, "My daughter and I are very close, and she's always shared everything with me. Gaurav Arya and Anushka have no plans of getting married. They're just best friends. Anushka met him three months ago in Goa during a show. Since then, they've been meeting on and off." Apparently, Gaurav's developing a hotel in Goa and that's how he keeps meeting Anushka there.
Adds Terry, "Also, Anushka has told me that she has no plans to get married for another two years." Anushka's been in the US and returned last night.
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